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Appeals for Gregory Wright

Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible:
- expressing sympathy for any family of Donna Vick, and explaining that you are not seeking to excuse the manner of her death or to downplay the suffering caused;
- opposing the execution of Gregory Edward Wright #999253;
- expressing concern that the jurors who sentenced Gregory Wright to death had heard nothing of the missing 911 tape in which another person had admitted committing the crime, despite testimony in an associated trial of the contents of that tape;
- expressing concern that DNA tests have excluded Gregory Wright as a contributor to DNA samples found on the jeans and murder weapon, so weakening the evidence that he attacked Ms Vick;
- noting that the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals found that he had received inadequate defense representation;
- noting that Gregory Wright has passed a polygraph test, so strengthening the likelihood that he is telling the truth of his innocence;
- pointing out that the power of executive clemency is not restricted by rules of procedure and precedent in the way;
- calling for Gregory Wright to be granted clemency, and for his death sentence to be commuted thus giving him the chance to further prove his innocence.

Further information about Greg can be found in the sample outline letter below, but please construct your letter from this information, and that above, rather than reproduce a simple copy.
Personal letters are much more effective in clemency appeals than form letters.

Sample outline letter only (please amend and integrate with points from above):

Rissie Owens
Presiding Officer
Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles & other Board Members

Dear Ms Owens
I appeal to you to grant Clemency, commute the death sentence of Gregory Wright (#999253), and to conserve life.
(The following is subject to your personal edit (strongly recommended).
Gregory Wright has demonstrated by his committed Christian Studies throughout his incarceration on Death row, and by his certified academic studies of the law, through the Blackstone Career Institute, that he is able to learn and to participate, with success, in activities that society values - a key aim of any correctional institution and judicial process. He has also formed successful and stable relationships with others outside of the prison system in this time, in spite of the inevitable restrictions imposed; and maintained strong and loving links with his family.
I am concerned that DNA studies have been unable to support important "evidence" presented by the prosecution at the trial of Gregory Wright and that this, together with other contentious aspects of the legal process, including a clear deficiency in the quality of initial representation, and the reliance on "snitch" testimony - argued by the State to be self-serving and unreliable in another trial - render the conviction unsafe. In the absence of a re-trial to which these issues could be addressed, there is a danger that a wrongful conviction will lead to the death of an innocent man. The State of Texas has no need to take this risk.
I believe in the sanctity of life, and in the rights of all men to seek truth and redemption in this life, which is God's alone to take. While Texas has retained the right to end a life, it has no need to, and the death of Gregory Wright at the hand of the State would represent a denial of the principle of sanctity.
I thank you for considering my perspective as you contemplate this life-or-death matter. My thoughts go to Ms Vicks family and the pain they must feel. My belief is that the unnecessary death of another man, whom Ms Vick befriended, would serve only to enhance that pain in the years ahead.
